How Long is this Haul?

Christie M. Schaefer
2 min readAug 15, 2020


I have been feeling relatively okay for a couple of weeks now. The only lingering things are occasional dizziness, still weird spelling and typing, and easy fatigue.

This whole thing has been weird. There are a lot of articles about “long-haulers” out there for you to find. One of the things that I have found along the way is that there are times when you don’t know what is a symptom until you hear of the common experience of others.

There was a period in all this when I thought I had developed arthritis. I could not bend my fingers reliably and felt like a rusty robot. It lasted long enough that I thought it was going to be permanent. It isn’t yet.

There were “weird” leg feelings, there were burning chest sensations, there was fuzzy-headedness to the point that I could probably re-watch all the shows I had running and still be surprised by the endings. I know I read at least two books, but I don’t know which books or what happened. I know I tried to read a lot more, but fell asleep.

There were a lot of doctors’ appointments.

I cannot really remember most of March, any of April, and a fair bit of May. My calendar book tells me things happened. Appointments, fevers tracked, and some things I can’t read. Facebook Memories are going to be a surprise come next year. Was I funny? Was I coherent? Do I need to apologize?

Apparently I ordered a lot of books. They’re all stacked up — a sign of hope I never let go of, I guess.

My trajectory is upwards. I’ve been fooled by this before. But…?



Christie M. Schaefer

C.FoxnoseHuling, Writer, Pro-Glitter and I vote. she/they/hey